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2021-2022 Horizon Huskies

Welcome to the Horizon Huskies Football team pages for Varsity, JV and Freshman.  On these team pages, you will find current information for all our Huskies Football teams.  Please check back often for updated information as the season progresses.  

War Time

Back to Work Mondays

Connect with InstaTeam!

To make sure players and parents are receiving current and updated information from the coaches, please download the InstaTeam app from the App Store or Google Play.


Varsity / JV Athletes (10th, 11th, and 12th grades):

Players and parents use the following credentials to connect with Coach Litton and Horizon Football.

  • Team Name: Horizon Football
  • Team Code: WSDDNQ

Freshmen Athletes:

Players and parents of incoming freshmen this fall will need to use this code on the app to access messages and information for the freshman side of the Horizon Football program.  

  • Team Name: Horizon FROSH
  • Team Code: ZSMY6M